
“I joined RSA when the late Bill Murray invited me to become a member when RSA was first organized to help protect our pensions and benefits for MEA, MESSA, and MEA Financial Services retirees. I retired in April of 2003 and worked my same job through a temporary agency until 2008 when I really stopped working and enjoyed being retired.

However, in 2018/2019, the Employers decided to change our retirement benefits. I am so glad RSA filed a lawsuit to protect are union bargained contracts. I thank God for all the hard work of the RSA Board, Volunteer Members, and Officers to help us get some money or benefits back. I don’t mind paying dues nor adding to the defense fund.”

Ruth J. Fox, MEA Retiree

“RSA is important to me for the following reasons:
-RSA monitors our retirement system and raises issues with MEA if problems arise.
-RSA takes legal action when MEA tries to change or reduce our benefits.
-RSA communicates regularly with us about updates on the above activities.
-RSA has an annual meeting of RSA retirees where we can catch up with old friends.
-RSA provides me security and comfort that my retirement will be safe.”

Lane Hotchkiss, MEA Retiree

“RSA stayed the course during the recent court case and came through for all of us; proving that banding together like we have is beneficial for all of us.”

Kay and Don Hinman, MEA Retirees

“Joining the RSA was an easy decision after learning of the group’s mission and strength of purpose from my retired colleagues who were strong member advocates. It was a no-brainer for me I and reached out to join right away. I’m looking forward to being a part of the team.”

Regina Crudup, MESSA Retiree

“I became a member when I saw what was happening to health benefits and pensions across the country. I learned that RSA would be a trusted group with a shared interest that would help defend and maintain my earned benefits.” 

Debra Hart, MEA Financial Services Retiree

“I worked for a long time, and I plan on being retired for a long time. I joined RSA so that I could focus on fun and let RSA look after my pension/benefits. It is important to me that I can depend on RSA to communicate with me if there are any issues that might threaten them.”

Karen Spotts, MEA Financial Services Retiree

“RSA membership means I have an organization, recognized by the courts, which can fight for my retirement benefits, pension, insurance, and other benefits.”

Charles “Trav” Griffin, MEA Retiree

“The stamina and perseverance RSA displayed over the past few years is praiseworthy. Despite the many challenges, the methodical approach and judicious planning enabled RSA to achieve significant success defending our retirement benefits. I thank RSA for the hard work, dedication, and commitment to battling this litigation on behalf of the members and achieving this extraordinary accomplishment.  RSA deserves recognition of the highest degree.”

Julie Fairchild, MEA Retiree

“I joined RSA at its beginning in 2012. At that time, it was hard to fathom that there could be, would be changes to our retirement pension and/or benefits by the Employers. Yet, that is exactly what happened. How grateful I am to be a RSA member, so that I have the security of a large group with excellent legal representation fighting for what was rightfully earned, both pensions and benefits, and not have to face and fight alone now and in the future.”

Mary Anne Adams, MEA Retiree

“I joined the RSA immediately after retirement in 2011. It seemed like the right thing to do. The social aspect appealed to me, and I was able to stay apprised of any issues with my pension and benefits. That became extremely important in 2019 when my benefits were changed. In 2018, I also became involved as a member of the Executive Board and I’m currently on several committees. It’s a way that I can help protect and defend our pensions and health care benefits.”

Marcy Trepky, MESSA Retiree

“Even though RSA is not an official union, an important element of unionism exists within RSA.  That element is SOLIDARITY!  When we are acting together, great things can happen for us.  The proof that solidarity works in RSA is the resolution we were able to reach regarding our retirement benefits. We will fight just as hard to protect our pensions.

Come join the ranks of RSA and let our solidarity grow and flourish!!”

Tom Greene, MEA Retiree

“My pension is very important. My health benefits are very important.

Therefore, RSA is very important to me as the only organization to advocate for both the above.”

Chuck Herring, MEA Retiree

“I was recently asked why I joined the RSA. I have always been proud to say I worked for the MEA, and strongly believe in what it stands for. During my years at MEA, I have made lifetime friendships and as a retiree, I wanted to continue those connections. The RSA was formed by retired staff of the MEA/MESSA/MEA Financial Services family who are committed to keeping its members up to date on important matters related to our pension, benefits, and other issues. So I think the question should be, why wouldn’t I join this fantastic group of like-minded retirees who are advocating on my behalf?”

Patty Helmer, MEA Retiree

“MEA and MESSA have survived and thrived because of decades of organizing and collective action. For me, joining together with my fellow retirees in the Retired Staff Association is a no-brainer. In our work lives, we were able to achieve much for our members by sticking together in every fight. In retirement, RSA gives us the same strong and collective voice we need to protect the pension and benefits we’ve earned and been promised.”

Gary Fralick, MESSA Retiree

Ready to join? Fill out a membership form online